August 30, 2021

I took an Uber to go back home today. I was in a hurry.

When you take an Uber you have to be careful that you take the right car. Every once in a while I saw in the news that people get in trouble with the wrong uber. They are usually murderous.

So, for safety, we have to confirm each other’s name.

After that, I usually ask the driver “how are you?”

Today, the driver said “What? You are my first customer that asked me how I am! Thank you! I’m fine! Thank you for asking! You are my best customer and super kind person, you made my day!”

I was shocked. I usually say “How are you?” to every driver. It is normal for me.

He was the first driver that was impressed by being asked how he was.

今日は急いでいたから、帰宅時にウーバーを使いました。 ウーバーを使うときは、自分が呼んだウーバーであるかどうか確認が大切です。ウーバーだと思って乗った車で殺される人も多いからー。私は名前確認の後には、たいてい、ハウアーユー?と、聞きます。そしたら、今日のドライバーが、は?みたいな感じで、君が僕が大丈夫かどうか聞くの?みたいな感じで感動していて、驚いた。彼はハウアーユー?と客から聞かれたのは初めてだそうなんですが、私の方も、ハウアーユー?と聞いて、こんなに喜ばれたのは初めてでした。